Childcare records: Fees paid to a licensed day care center or family day care for care of an infant or preschooler. Wages paid to a baby-sitter. etc. (Do not include expenses paid through a work sponsored flexible spending account)
Tax returns from previous years , if possible
Charitable Contributions (Only for Churches, Research and Hospitals)
Business EIN number
Medical & Health Insurance Expenses and/or Premiums & all appropriate forms (1095-A, 1095-B, 1095-C, ECN)
Unemployed 1099-G
Self-employed 1099 & all other expenses
W-2 forms
Records of business income & expenses
Records of rental income & expenses
Rental asset information (cost, date placed in service, etc.) for depreciation
Pension/IRA/annuity income (1099-R)
Social security/RRB income (1099-SSA, RRB-1099)
Interest, dividend income (1099-INT, 1099-OID, 1099-DIV)
Income from sales of stock or other property (1099-B, 1099-S)
Health Savings Account and long-term care reimbursements (1099-SA or 1099-LTC)